In Light of Tragedy

Since the news broke yesterday about the attacks on Paris and every post since then, I have been trying to assemble my thoughts into something appropriate to say.

No one denies the horror of what happened in Paris. Some have questioned the media coverage: why aren’t we talking about Lebanon? They had a tragedy too! Why aren’t we talking about Mexico? They had an earthquake!

I just want to say, what happened in the world yesterday was horrible. It was a terrible day for humanity. I am sorry for those lives. I am sorry for those families.

To those of us blessed enough to not be directly affected, let us be silent for a moment. Leave your politics, leave your comparisons, leave your complaints, and be silent.

Media coverage does not ease the loss of life. Hashtags do not make problems go away. No tragedy is greater than another. Tragedy is tragedy. We mourn. We will recover. And I pray to God we can move towards peace.

